Our Picks for the Best Peloton Instructors to Guide Your Sweat Sessions

.css-1iyvfzb .brand{text-transform:capitalize;}Our product picks are editor-tested, expert-approved. We may earn a commission through links on our site. Why Trust Us? PELOTON, THE WORKOUT platform behind the Peloton Bike and .css-16fs9zm{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;text-decoration-thickness:0.125rem;text-decoration-color:#d2232e;text-underline-offset:0.25rem;color:inherit;-webkit-transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;word-break:break-word;}.css-16fs9zm:hover{color:#000;text-decoration-color:border-link-body-hover;background-color:#F3B032;-webkit-transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;}Peloton Bike+, has been making moves. Just this year, the brands introduced its first connected strength product, Peloton

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Our product picks are editor-tested, expert-approved. We may earn a commission through links on our site. Why Trust Us?

PELOTON, THE WORKOUT platform behind the Peloton Bike and Peloton Bike+, has been making moves. Just this year, the brand’s introduced its first connected strength product, Peloton Guide, followed by the company debuting its first adaptive Strength instructor, Logan Aldridge. On the heels of these news bulletins in August 2022, Peloton Studios New York and Peloton Studios London officially opened to members and the public.

By September 2022, Peloton made its equipment and apparel available for purchase in Amazon’s U.S. stores, a big leap for the company as it was the first time Peloton sold its new products through a third-party retailer. Then came the launch of the hotly anticipated Peloton Row, a luxe new rower we called “fit for a penthouse.” Our biggest takeaways: the Row is “comfy, quiet, and offers a game-changing Form Assist feature.” New row instructors are Ash Pryor, Alex Karwoski and Katie Wang.

Safe to say, it’s been a busy year for the connected fitness giant. It’s also been a busy year of pedaling and pumping for the folks following along at-home and in Peloton studios. While we’re yet to meet a Peloton instructor we don’t adore, ahead, you’ll find our list of the absolute crème de la crème of Peloton's fitness pros. Keep reading and get ready to start sweating, whether it’s on your Peloton bike, treadmill, rower, or doing strength training or a yoga flow with Peloton on your living room floor.

That's one of the major challenges once you're ready to work out: You might feel paralyzed when you’re trying to narrow down which instructor’s class you should pop into on any given Tuesday lunch break or Saturday morning long run. While a Peloton representative told Men’s Health the company doesn't track data around instructor popularity, there’s no denying that some instructors are veritable superstars of the fitness platform, even eliciting a following beyond regular Peloton users for the fitness advice and inspiration they offer on social media.

Since there’s no handy metrics available revealing official intel on the most viewed Peloton instructor, we decided to tap our editors and health and fitness insiders for their faves. To dig deeper, we asked what it is about each Peloton teacher that made their lessons truly stand out and specific aspects of their classes that made them winners.

Some people use Peloton daily (one impressive user credits daily Peloton workouts for helping him lose 100 pounds in six months) and others are more casual exercisers, so we made sure to include a mix of “household names” and lesser known instructors in the mix. The result? An incredible list of the best of the bunch, from running coaches to spin savants.

The Best Peloton Instructors

Robin Arzón - Spin

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Men’s Health Executive Editor Ben Court likes that Robin Arzón classes have “old school hip hop with modern radio hip hop too.” Another bonus: “She seems empathetic, feels she wants you to dig [in] and do your best, whatever that is that day.”

If you’re a fan of the ultra marathoner’s Peloton classes on the bike, as well as her strength and cycling classes, check out her book Shut Up and Run: How to Get Up, Lace Up, and Sweat with Swagger or watch her MasterClass course on mental strength.

Cody Rigsby - Spin

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For heart-pumping indoor cycling workouts that also somehow make you smile, go for Cody Rigsby.

“The thing I really love about Cody is that he is so casual and funny. Riding with him makes me feel like I am riding with a good friend,” says Lauren Sheu, an RRCA Certified Running Coach and marathoner. “He makes me laugh and keeps me entertained the whole time, so I don't even feel like I'm working out.” Your legs will certainly feel it the next day, though.

Ben Alldis - Spin

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Ben Alldis gets praise from Dr. Colin Haines, MD, FACS, Spine Surgeon, Director of Research at the Virginia Spine Institute for his commitment to using proper form.

“Ben’s rides do a great combination of alternatives between sitting and standing, which is ideal for the lumbar spine,” says Haines. “Too much sitting and forward flexion can put excessive pressure on the discs and the standing climbs are a nice break for the back,” he continues, adding that he likes Alldis’ use of upbeat music to keep him pushing.

Ally Love - Spin

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If you’re a Peloton user, we’re going to go ahead and guess you’re familiar with Ally Love and her “Love Squad.”

According to one fan, she deserves all the hype she gets: “Ali has a way of making us all feel like royalty. She's always upbeat,” says Natasha Funderburk, a NASM-Certified personal trainer. “She makes us feel like we can sit at her table any day, and that no matter how steep our mountain, we can absolutely climb to the top and make it down the other side.”

Tunde Oyeneyin - Spin

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Josh Schlottman, CSCS, CPT, comments that Tunde Oyeneyin has a tremendous heart and her work ethic is second to none. “She always brings incredible positive energy that inspires me to dig deeper and push harder. Her classes are killer and my legs might be jello after, but it’s always a fun workout that gives me a feeling of accomplishment,” he says. “If you want a tough but fun and motivational workout then she is the go-to,” Schlottman continues, adding that her music selection is stellar, too.

Christian Vande Velde - Spin

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“Turn to rides with this former pro cyclist to get a seriously challenging and interesting workout peppered with tales from the real, live Tour de France peloton. He lived it and passes along training tips and insider stories while making you feel like you're riding the Tour yourself,” says Men’s Health Health Director Marty Munson. “Workouts each have their own, thoughtful purpose in the way they make you stronger. Vande Velde coaches you without manufactured hype; his enthusiasm for the sport and the workout keep you engaged and pushing,” she continues, noting that she also likes hearing Vande Velde talk about how hard certain workouts are for him, too.

Denis Morton - Spin

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Kayla Girgen, RD, LD, enjoys that Denis Morton rides "on the beat" with the music for his classes thoughtfully chosen. “His Power Zone workouts are especially a treat since the music and cadence match perfectly. If you enjoy a challenging yet achievable ride, I highly recommend Denis,” she says. “As he frequently states, ‘I make suggestions, you make decisions,’ so he is always offering modifications to make the ride just right for you.”

On the yoga mat, Denis is also a superb choice. “He is excellent at cueing muscles and movements. I enjoy his yoga videos because he does such a thorough job describing transitions, which allows you to focus your attention on the movement—not the screen,” says Girgen.

Matt Wilpers - Spin

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Matt Wilpers teaches both spin and stretching for Peloton, and he nails both.

“Matt is the epitome of a Peloton coach. He educates viewers while taking them through the workout. He explains his methodology and benefits to training in a particular way, and he is constantly beaming with positivity,” says Girgen. “Wilpers discusses more than just physical fitness and also touches on health outside the bike, such as eating healthfully and resting properly. He is down-to-earth, and you know you'll leave the bike or mat with a smile after working out with him.”

Emma Lovewell - Spin

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As Kerri Howell, NASM, founder of fitprmomlife.com notes, Emma Lovewell is down-to-earth and chill” but don't let that demeanor fool you.” Howell calls her spin and strength workouts “badass” and shares that she looks to her when she needs a challenge but also when she craves a low-impact or recovery session. “Her playlists set her apart; she's introduced me to so many new artists! If you need a ride with a vibe, Emma is your best bet,” says Howell.

Adrian Williams - Strength Training

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Adrian Williams is a go-to lifting instructor for the emphasis he puts on strengthening your core muscles. “Sure, his classes are hard, but he also does a [good] job with the core. Many of his arms and chest exercises also require tightening and strengthening the core, an area critical to maintaining proper spinal health,” says Dr. Colin Haines.

As a spine surgeon, Haines does note that for many of the rowing exercises, he recommends supporting yourself on a workout bench or table. “Hinging at the waist and doing heavy pulls can hurt the back,” he says.

Becs Gentry - Running

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To crush those race day PRs, tune in to Becs Gentry and you won’t be disappointed. “Becs radiates relentless positivity, but mixes it with humility in a way that makes her relatable. She’s able to inspire you as a superhuman athlete while simultaneously coming across as relatable,” says Men’s Health Deputy Editor Spencer Dukoff. “She’s one of the three run coaches for Peloton’s marathon training program, and she’s really pushed me to become the runner I am today. Plus, she’s funny!”

Dukoff also adds that he always fares better with instructors who make him look forward to working out, rather than scaring him because it’s going to be the most intense thing of his life—so if you feel similarly, all the more reason to drop into a Becs session.

Jess Sims - Running

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In addition to teaching a Tread (Peloton’s treadmill) bootcamp, Jess Sims also teaches strength training and running. Regardless of the class, she really pusher her students to surpass their best.

“The thing I love about Jess is that she always offers some kind of psychological component into her workouts,” says Dr. Marcuetta Sims, PhD, RYT-200. “She focuses on the mind and body connection rather than just focusing on the physical aspects. Despite her classes being challenging, I always leave feeling empowered and motivated, which I appreciate.”

Kirsten Ferguson - Running

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Emily Higgins, CPT, owner of Girl Let’s Glow, is a big fan of Peloton’s running workouts for her cardio training and considers Ferguson her number one instructor on the fitness streaming platform. “I love her because she offers a good variety of running workouts from walk/runs to HIIT—and my personal favorites, music classes,” says Higgins, adding that Ferguson chooses music that always gets her adrenaline going and helps her get the most out of her workouts, making them challenging but in a less intimidating way than other instructors.

Selena Samuela - Running

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Sheu values that Selena Samuela “really helps you to dig deep and push through your mental hurdles to get the workout done,” noting that she did Samuela's World Mental Health Day Run in October and was moved by hearing her personal story. “Her workouts feel a bit like therapy in addition to exercise,” Sheu adds.

Dr. Chelsea Jackson Roberts, PhD - Yoga and Meditation

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If you’re looking to leave your Peloton class with a positive mindset shift, Dr. Chelsea Jackson Roberts is a solid bet.

“There are so many things I love about her, but one is that she is so authentic and unapologetic in who she is, which sets an example for people who take her classes,” says Dr. Sims. “She brings her full self to her classes in what she says, the music that she plays, and even the wisdom that she offers from her own practice.”

Guys, even if you don’t think you’re a yogi, challenge yourself to take one of Roberts’ classes and get ready to leave a changed man.

Hannah Corbin - Foam Rolling and Stretching

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“Hannah is terrific for a beginner rider. She is very specific about how to use and understand the features of the bike, as well as direct about how to execute the best form,” says Howell. Still, the certified personal trainer particularly likes taking Hannah’s foam rolling and stretching classes. “As a former dancer, she is well-versed in the best ways to increase mobility and flexibility and her routines are often targeted to those who ride often, which is even better,” she adds

