How to get polished Blackstone in Minecraft

Minecraft has a massive amount of decorative blocks to use, and polished Blackstone can be one of the sleeker-looking options in the entire game. Getting polished Blackstone can be another story, however, as it isn't exactly as commonly found as regular stone or similar blocks. Since Blackstone is only found in The Nether, collecting enough

Minecraft has a massive amount of decorative blocks to use, and polished Blackstone can be one of the sleeker-looking options in the entire game.

Getting polished Blackstone can be another story, however, as it isn't exactly as commonly found as regular stone or similar blocks. Since Blackstone is only found in The Nether, collecting enough to make its polished variant can be difficult.

Once Minecraft players collect enough, though, crafting it is a fairly straightforward procedure. The blueprint for polished Blackstone is simply four Blackstone blocks in a square.

Image via Mojang

The toughest part is finding enough Blackstone to craft within The Nether. Fortunately, there are places within that dangerous landscape that will always hold Blackstone deposits.

Minecraft: Finding basalt deltas for Blackstone

Image via Mojang

Within Minecraft's hellish Nether, the biomes known as basalt deltas are a fantastic source of naturally-occurring Blackstone. They are also full of basalt as their name implies, so players looking for both blocks are in even more luck.

Before venturing into The Nether, it's always wise for Minecraft players to equip themselves with the best possible combat gear in the event they are attacked by the many hostile mobs that inhabit the region.

Basalt deltas can be identified by the lilac purple fog that surrounds them, sprinkled with volcanic ash, which stands in stark contrast to ordinary fog in The Nether.

Additionally, the absence of Netherrack is also a dead giveaway to a delta's location, as there is little to none that generates naturally within the biome.

For players struggling to spot a delta within the cavernous depths of The Nether, they may have better sight lines if they disable fog within the in-game settings.

Basalt deltas aren't exceptionally rare, so spotting one shouldn't be too difficult within The Nether with a little exploration and luck.

Players expecting to make their way through The Nether in order to find the delta should also pack along extra blocks to build bridges and safe zones through the treacherous terrain as well as light sources like torches.

One of the worst feelings is finding the basalt delta and then losing all of your equipment due to an ill-timed fall or even being bumped by a nearby hostile mob. Since basalt deltas are volcanic and are full of lava, having the best footing possible is paramount.

After finding a way to the delta, it just becomes a matter of mining the blocks like any other in Minecraft. Bringing multiple pickaxes made of strong material such as diamonds or Netherite will accelerate the process, even more so with the right enchantments.

Once players have the Blackstone they need, they just need to craft the polished variant within their crafting menu. After that, it's lather, rinse and repeat until the Minecraft player has all the polished Blackstone they need to create what they need.

Read More: How to get Diamonds in Minecraft survival easily

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