New documentary 26.2 to Life tells story of inmates who joined a prison running club

Mike Cerre: First-time film director Christine Yoo wanted to break down the viewers and her own preconceptions of inmates serving indeterminate and in many cases life sentences. Christine Yoo, Director, "26.2 to Life": I really only knew about prison life from what we see in Hollywood movies and TV series and popular culture. So when

Mike Cerre:

First-time film director Christine Yoo wanted to break down the viewers and her own preconceptions of inmates serving indeterminate and in many cases life sentences.

Christine Yoo, Director, "26.2 to Life": I really only knew about prison life from what we see in Hollywood movies and TV series and popular culture. So when I first walked into San Quentin, my initial perception was really off.

Christine Yoo spent six years visiting, volunteering, and documenting this inspiring rehabilitation program started by veteran marathon runner and coach Frank Ruona.

Frank Ruona, Founder, 1,000 Mile Club: We named the club the 1,000 Mile Club. The idea was to have the inmates run 1,000 miles while they were at San Quentin.

Hey, we're going in 10, nine, eight.

