How to obtain and use Mohgs Shackle in Elden Ring

Mohg, Lord of Blood, is often considered one of the more difficult fights by the Elden Ring community, especially due to the passive blood loss build-up that he inflicts during the encounter. While a Purifying Crystal tear will do the trick when it comes to dealing with his incredibly annoying ability, there is one more

Mohg, Lord of Blood, is often considered one of the more difficult fights by the Elden Ring community, especially due to the passive blood loss build-up that he inflicts during the encounter.

While a Purifying Crystal tear will do the trick when it comes to dealing with his incredibly annoying ability, there is one more trick that the Tarnished can employ to make the fight significantly easier to manage.

Just Margit, players will be able to obtain an item called the Mohg’s Shackle, which will bind the Lord of Blood to the ground for a few seconds, during which time users can get in lots of free damage.

However, this item is quite tricky to find and has often been missed by Elden Ring gamers during their initial playthroughs. But today’s guide will go over how they can get their hands on the essential item to help them have a significantly easier time with the Mohg, Lord of Blood, fight in Moghwyn Palace.

Mohg’s Shackle in Elden Ring

To get their hands on Mohg’s Shackle, the Elden Ring Tarnished will first need to make their way to the Subterranean Shunning Grounds located right below Leyndell, the Royal Capital.

From the Avenue Balcony Site of Grace, players will need to go south near the dragon statue wing and drop down to the left, where they will find a well with a ladder in it. Upon taking the ladder down, users will reach the sewers of Leyndell, known as the Subterranean Shunning Grounds.

After reaching the optional area, the Elden Ring Tarnished will then be required to follow the following:

  • Gamers should follow the tunnel, which will contain a lot of giant rats, till they reach a sort of a corridor where they will find a lot of enemies afflicted by the Seedbed Curse. In the corridor, to the left, there will be an open door in which there will be the Underground Roadside Site of Grace.
  • After activating the checkpoint, the Tarnished must now make their way down the ladder placed to the corridor’s right, just beside the locked door. This will lead them to the main central area of the sewer, where there will be a lot of wooden planks and large pipes. It’s a room filled with stone gargoyles waiting to ambush gamers.
  • After reaching the end of the room, they will need to drop down onto the pipe below and reach the floor of the sewer, where there will be two lobster enemies waiting to ambush them. These are some of the most challenging enemies in the area and can quickly get the better of the Tarnished.
  • Players can either take them head-on or just run past them to the right until they find a doorway that leads them into a set of catacombs. There they will find the Leyndell Catacombs Site of Grace, and then upon resting there, users will reset the area, which is when they can go back to the door entrance where they will now find a sleeping lobster.
  • By carefully sneaking past the enemy, they will see an item drop to the right where the sewer water is gushing out. Upon interacting with it, the Elden Ring Tarnished will automatically get their hands on Mohg’s Shackle.

The Mohg’s Shackle is a consumable item, so to use it, the Tarnished will be required to put it in their Pouch or to slot it in their Quick Item menu. Once there, gamers will need to use it against Mohg when the encounter begins, and it will freeze him in place for around three seconds.

Individuals can use the item twice in the encounter, and they will consume it entirely after binding him twice. However, it’s refillable, and the Tarnished will get the two charges back if they die and reattempt it.

Moreover, like in Margit’s case, Mohg’s Shackles will only work for Mohg and no other boss, enemy, NPC, or field bosses.

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