Sage Northcutt talks about the importance of having his wifes support

Sage Northcutt has had a rough stretch in his professional fighting career the past few years but is thankful for all the support he has been getting from the people around him, particularly his wife.

Sage Northcutt has had a rough stretch in his professional fighting career the past few years but is thankful for all the support he has been getting from the people around him, particularly his wife.

Speaking to ONE Championship, the American fighter highlighted the very important role that his better half, actress Amanda Leighton, has been playing as he resumes his injury-sidetracked journey in the promotion.

Sage Northcutt said:

“Having someone that’s there to support you and that’s what you look for, that’s what you want. That’s always a great feeling for one thing, just having someone. If you can have someone that’s on the same page as you, that’s awesome, too.”

'Super' Sage added:

“So, I think marrying the right person, there’s so many great things you can go on for days about it. There’s a lot of great things from it.”

Sage Northcutt saw his ONE career take an unexpected detour right at his promotional debut in May 2019.

He faced off against Brazilian Cosmo Alexandre and was knocked out in the opening round. Making matters worse for the Team Alpha Male affiliate, he suffered multiple facial fractures in the aftermath that required surgery and lengthy recovery time.

Then, in 2021, just after he was given the go to resume fighting, he contracted COVID-19 which extended his stay on the sidelines.

Now healthy, Sage Northcutt is girding for his circle return on May 5 at ONE Fight Night 10 on Prime Video in Broomfield, Colorado, U.S.A., where he will take on streaking Pakistani fighter Ahmed 'Wolverine' Mujtaba.

'Super' is looking to make it a winning return, working hard in training with his team and inspired by the support and motivation from Amanda and his entire family.

ONE Fight Night 10 is the first live event of ONE in the United States and is available live and for free to all Prime Video subscribers in North America.

“She’s super talented” - Sage Northcutt talks about some of his wife’s projects

American fighter Sage Northcutt is enjoying life as a married man and is proud to see his wife Amanda Leighton doing well in her chosen career as an actress.

The pair tied the knot in December 2021 and have since been feeding off one another for inspiration as they go about their respective jobs.

In an interview with The MMA Hour, 'Super' shared how happy he is for the success that his wife has been having and how he is inspired by it as he resumes fighting.

Sage Northcutt said:

“She is, she’s super talented. She’s got voiceovers on Netflix. She’s Poppy in Trolls, she’s got a show called Amphibia. She has a bunch of acting, she’s super talented.”

Check out the full interview below:

In nearly two decades of acting to date, Leighton has also appeared on popular shows like Six Feet Under, Grey’s Anatomy, House, and The Young and the Restless.

Team Alpha Male’s Northcutt is currently in training for his comeback fight on May 5 in the United States at ONE Fight Night 10 on Prime Video.

He will take on Ahmed 'Wolverine' Mujtaba in a lightweight showdown where he aims to reintroduce himself to fight fans after a three-and-a-half-year hiatus because of various medical issues.

Prior to making his ONE debut in 2019, Sage Northcutt was on a three-fight winning streak.

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