Which Pirates players have also played for the Mets? MLB Immaculate Grid answers August 31

MLB Immaculate Grid No. 151 for August 31 is out and challenges fans to identify a player who has represented both the Pittsburgh Pirates and the New York Mets. Users must use each of their nine guesses wisely to get a flawless score on the 3x3 grid.

MLB Immaculate Grid No. 151 for August 31 is out and challenges fans to identify a player who has represented both the Pittsburgh Pirates and the New York Mets. Users must use each of their nine guesses wisely to get a flawless score on the 3x3 grid.

To answer this cell in the 3x3 puzzle, the fans must name any of the 149 different players who have played for both franchises.

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The fan-favorite answer is current Mets player Daniel Vogelbach.

Vogelbach played over 75 games for the Pittsburgh Pirates during his short stint in 2022. He hit 12 homers for the Pirates and maintained an OPS of .769. In July 2022, he was traded to the Mets for Colin Holderman.

In August 2022, Vogelbach scored a Grand Slam as his first homer in the Mets uniform against the Washington Nationals.

MLB Immaculate Grid Answers on August 31: Other Pirates and Mets players

Three-time All-Star Jason Bay qualifies as an MLB Immaculate Grid answer. He joined the Pittsburgh Pirates in 2003 and played six years for the franchise, winning Rookie of the Year in 2004. Bay was an All-Star back-to-back through 2005 and 2006.

In 2009, Bay would be selected as an All-Star for the last time while playing for the Boston Red Sox. The very next year, he joined the New York Mets. In his three years with the Mets, he maintained an OPS of .687.

Another Immaculate Grid answer is two-time Golden Glove winner Starling Marte. After debuting in 2012 for the Pittsburgh Pirates, Marte donned the Pirates uniform until 2019, playing in 953 games. He joined the Mets in 2022 and was named an All-Star the very same year. Currently, Marte has an all-time average OPS of .788.

Another ball player who debuted for the Pirates is Jared Hughes. He played over six years for the team, maintaining an ERA of 2.82. Hughes joined the New York Mets at the age of 34 in 2020. He appeared as a relief pitcher in 18 games for the Mets before announcing his retirement in 2021.

Some other players that have played for both teams as well:

  • Bob Friend
  • John Candelaria
  • Jon Niese
  • Bobby Bonilla
  • Neil Walker
  • Wally Backman

The Baseball Reference website lists all Immaculate Grid answers. It also has extensive information on all the players who have represented both franchises.

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